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Azazel - Crucify The Jesus Christ Again LP
Azazel - The Night Of Satanachia LP
Azhubham Haani - Through the Mysteries of the Forgotten Shrine Tape
Batlick - Manifestations '22 LP
Black Blood - Blasphemy Reigns In Thy Night LP
Belsemar - De Dömdas Sang LP
Carved Cross - Demo IV LP
Carved Cross - Hoodie
Carved Cross - Sapped Of Strength, Left To Wither And Fade Away LP [Misspress]
Caverna Glacia - Jornada Ao Interior Do Abismo Primitivo LP
Celestial Sword / Trhä - Edënohhdlha Hálgra Tu Majtranlh'ha Split LP
Chevallier Skrog - Peasant Rebellion LP
Darkwoods My Betrothed / Virgin's Cunt - Dark Aureoles Gathering LP
De Vermis Mysteriis / Azhubham Haani - Total Evil Cassette Tape
Eternal Tyrant - A Dark Dream... LP
Exumbras - Beyond Death and the Void LP
Fafner - Trolskust LP
Hand Of Glory - Ceaseless Negation Of Color & Joy LP